What is
Gout is a disease that results from an overload of uric acid in the body. This overload of uric acid leads to the formation of tiny crystals of urate that deposit in tissues of the body, especially the joints. Gout is one of the most common forms of arthritis, which is inflammation of a joint. It most commonly affects the big toe joint, but can affect any joint. Gout usually starts as an acute attack that often comes on overnight. Within 12-24 hours there is usually severe foot pain and swelling in the joint.
The cause of gout is related to the physiology of uric acid, which is a chemical that is a natural part of the normal breaking down and building up of food and body tissues. When uric acid levels are higher, this is known as hyperuricaemia. Uric acid is normally dissolved in the blood, but when it’s high, microscopic crystals may be deposited in the joint. These crystals then set up the acute inflammation causes the gout. As a result of this physiology, gout is common in those with hyperuricaemia. There are many causes of this that include obesity, high alcohol intake, high intake of food that contain purines, some drugs used to treat high blood pressure, and those who suffer from kidney disease may also develop high levels of uric acid
Some of the common symptoms of Calluses are pain that increases while putting weight on hand or foot, a hardened, raised bump, tenderness or pain under skin, or dry skin. Also a symptom of calluses is a hard growth commonly on the ball of the foot usually caused by high heeled shoes, shoes too small, flat feet, or obesity.
Treatment and Prevention
The gout treatment is correcting the factors that lead to the high levels of uric acid. This involves a combination of diet and drugs. The foods that have higher levels of purines should be restricted or avoided like liver, kidneys, tripe, sweetbreads and tongue, large amounts of red meat, shellfish, and alcohol intake should be reduced. Also rest and elevation of the foot is also important. Over the longer term, if diet changes are not lowering the uric acid levels, drugs can be used to lower the levels. The drugs must be taken on a continuous and long-term basis if they are to be effective.