What is Heal pain is the most common foot problem that doctors see and it is one of the most common forms of foot pains in adults. It often occurs as a result of daily activities and exercise. The pain usually occurs underneath your heel or just behind it, where the Achilles tendon attaches to the heel bone. Although the
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Running Injuries
What are Running is probably one of the easiest ways to develop an injury. There are many injuries that could happen while running, but the most common are shin splits, runner’s knee, and anterior compartment syndrome. Runner’s knee is a thick, fibrous band of fascia which runs down the outside of the thigh and connected just below the knee. When
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Tarsal tunnel is a common problem that exists on the inside of the ankle. Tarsal Tunnel is a squeezing or compression on the tibial nerve, which is located next to the ankle bones. Symptoms of Tarsal tunnel can vary from inside of the ankle down to the foot. Causes Tarsal tunnel can be caused by anything that squeezes the
Read moreFoot & Leg Injuries
Running Injuries There are many injuries that could happen while running, but the most common are shin splits, runner’s knee, and anterior compartment syndrome. Runner’s knee is a thick, fibrous band of fascia which runs down the outside of the thigh and connected just below the knee. When the band becomes tight it can rub against the knee causing much
Read moreSesamoiditis / Sesamoid Fractures
What are A sesamoid is a type of bone that is found within a tendon. This bone allows smooth movement of the feet. Sesamoid fractures are bones located under the big toe. Sesamoiditis is painful inflammation of the sesamoid apparatus, which is located in the forefoot, swelling might also occur. It could be a continuous foot pain or might hurt
Read morePsoriasis
What is Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes your skin to have dry thick patches of red skin covered with scales that are commonly located on elbows, knees, legs, lower back, scalp and feet. Psoriasis can be very painful and affect your ability to function. There are five type of psoriasis: plaque, guttate, pustular, inverse, anderythrodemic. Plaque Psoriasis is probably
Read morePinched Nerve
What are A pinched nerve occurs when too much pressure is applied to a nerve by surrounding tissues, such as bones, cartilage, muscles or tendons. This pressure damages the nerves, causing pain, tingling, numbness or weakness. A pinched nerve can occur anywhere in your body. A pinched nerve in your wrist can lead to pain and numbness in your hand
Read moreRheumatoid Arthritis
What is Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that causes chronic inflammation of the joints and the tissue around the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis can cause chronic pain and permanent joint damage. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that is caused when body tissues are attacked by their own immune system. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause foot pain, which commonly occurs in the
Read moreFlat Feet
What are Many people have a gap under the arch of their foot when they are in a standing position. People who have flat feet or fallen arches either have no arch, or it is very low gap a significant number of people with flat feet experience no pain and have no problems and others, however, may experience pain. Some
Read moreCharcot Foot
What is Charcot foot is the term given to neurogenic arthropathy that affects the joints in the foot. Neurogenic arthropathy is a rapidly progressive degenerative arthritis that results from damaged nerves. Charcot foot affects a person’s ability to sense pain in their foot. Their muscles also lose the ability to support the foot properly. The bones most often affected in Charcot foot are
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